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Baptism in Madrid, Spain
A spiritual conference was held in the Spanish Field. The event concluded with t...
July 9, 2024


A spiritual conference was held in the Spanish Field. The event concluded with the baptism of two souls.

Madrid, Spain—Over the weekend of June 28-30, the brethren of the Spanish Field gathered at Entrepeñas in Guadalajara for a spiritual conference. The event was rich in special items of praise, moments of fellowship, and spiritual food. 

On Sunday, June 30, the event drew to a close with the baptism of two young people. The baptism was held in Alcalá de Henares, with the attendance of several brethren from the Field who came to witness the baptism and welcome the new members. Brother Sorin Suceava officiated the ceremonies.

“May these dear souls, as they follow the example of Christ, rise to walk in newness of life. May they become witnesses to the world, a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. May they, as they accept the truth individually, be animated by the same spirit, speaking the truth in love under the influence of the Holy Spirit.” 15LtMs, Lt 20, 1900, par. 6

Let us keep them in our prayers. Amen.

March 31, 2024


Workers from across the Bolivian Union gathered in Tarija for a workers' seminar and spiritual refreshment.

Tarija, Bolivia—Tarija was once again the host of a national activity by the Bolivian Union. From March 15-21, church workers from across the country were present for a seminar, which had as its theme “Be a Faithful Steward of Christ”.

This gathering offered not only theoretical and practical sessions of great value, it also provided a space for connection with nature, allowing attendees to strengthen their bond and communion with God.

Brother Andre Devai (GC Welfare and Stewardship Department Director) was the guest speaker, and he shared important topics on Christian leadership. 

We praise the Lord for this moving spiritual encounter, and we appeal to our brethren to continually pray for the church leadership and those dedicating their lives to the ministry at every level. May all be done for His honor and glory and to hasten His return! 

March 26, 2024


The Peruvian Union's 25th National Youth Convention took place in Rioja, under the theme “On the Eve of a Great Crisis”

Rioja, Peru—Rioja is a city located in the Peruvian Amazonia, and it was the host of the 25th National Youth Convention, under the theme “On the Eve of a Great Crisis”.

The guest speakers were Brethren Adrian Finaru (GC Youth Department Director), Davi P. Silva (Sabbath School Department Director), Mario Linares (Canvassing Department Director), Rômulo Borges (Regional Secretary for South America), and André Davai, (Welfare Department Director).

Over 2,500 brethren participated in this convention, representing countries across South America, including Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. All enjoyed and participated in the beautiful songs and musical offerings.

On Wednesday afternoon, the attendees were able to participate in missionary activities, going out to the streets of the city handing out studies and inviting the community to attend a concert that took place on Thursday evening.

On Thursday morning, the Union’s Welfare Department, led by Brother Elver Diaz, carried out a health campaign in the city’s main square where over four-hundred people from the local community were served. They had access to different services, including medical appointments, naturopathic consultations, pediatric services, physiotherapy, podiatry, hairdressing, dentistry, nutrition, massages, counseling, and more.

During this event, twenty-eight souls gave their lives to the Lord, pledging their devotion to Jesus through baptism. Let us pray for them and support them on their spiritual journey.

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