Education Department

“As a people having advanced light, we should devise means by which to develop an army of educated missionaries to enter the various departments of the work of God.” 6T 206.

The Education Department is organized to educate and train children, youth, and adults so that their abilities may be used in various lines in the Lord’s great vineyard—the world field. The educational work seeks to help children and youth form characters that will prevail through the final crisis in this world and stand as trophies of Christ in the great hereafter. A proper mode of education will restore the image of God in humanity and provide for their present peace and happiness. This work is second to none.

To this end, the Education Department visits and works closely with the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement schools around the world. This Department also assists with the curation of home schooling materials for families who are ready to undertake this step in their children’s education.

Missionary Schools are also overseen by the Education Department, including the Online Missionary School.

Featured Institution: Centrul Educational Copii de Caracter (Făgăraș, Romania)

What a blessing to see the progress of Centrul Educational Copii de Caracter, a kindergarten run by the SDARM in Făgăraș, Romania. By God’s grace, from session to session, the number of students continues to grow.

At present, the school uses the facilities of the SDARM Romanian Union headquarters, but these have quickly become too small.

With generous contributions from the local brethren, a property was acquired to build a school. With plans for a full elementary program in the near future, the students, teachers, and directors of Centrul Educational Copii de Caracter are asking for help from around the world to finish the project. The sooner the building is finished, the sooner they can expand to their full potential.

Watch the video to see what has been done so far:

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