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First Sabbath Offering, July 2024

First Sabbath Offering for a Chapel, School, and Office in Liberia

Sometimes referred to as one of Africa’s last frontiers, Liberia is a tropical rainforest country on the west coast of the African continent, bordered by Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Guinea, and the Atlantic Ocean. Among the population of over 5 million, 85.3% profess the Christian faith (mostly Protestants, including Seventh-day Adventists), 12.6% profess Islam, 1.5% claim no religion, and 0.6% adhere to tribal religions.

The oldest republic in Africa, Liberia is still trying to recover from 14 years of devastating civil war (1989–2003) that destroyed the fabric of this nation, considered one of the 10 poorest in the world. Agriculture was decimated, and the infrastructure and industries were left in shambles.

Amid the hardship, in 2011, brethren in Liberia were drawn to the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement doctrines through the SDARM GC website,, and the work was organized here in 2012. Since then, it has progressed from the capital city of Monrovia to three of Liberia’s 15 counties.

Although the civil crisis is over, the scars of its wounds can still be seen all over the country. The economy is broken, and it is often hard to get a job here if one does not pledge allegiance to a political party. The circumstances are crippling, yet our faith presses onward.

To develop the work in Liberia, there is an immediate need for headquarters as well as a place for worship and to enhance our medical missionary activities. It is also necessary to provide a primary school for our children who face challenges because they must miss exams and extra classes scheduled on the Sabbath.

In 2019, a brother (who since died) graciously donated some land dedicated to the construction of a school, sanitarium, and office space. To begin the chapel and these necessary projects, we are blessed with an acre parcel in Nyanforla (Collins Farm) in lower Bong County, as well as another parcel of approximately 1/4 acre in Monrovia.

In this light, we are kindly asking all the brothers and sisters around the world to help us with the First Sabbath Offering to enable us to achieve the goals needed to develop the Lord’s work in Liberia. We thank you in advance!

Your brothers and sisters from Liberia

July, 2024
$10000.00 USD


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