October 2020

First Sabbath Offering for the headquarters in Savigny-sur Orge, France

October 31, 2020
$ 1 USD

With a combined population of around 87 million, France, Belgium, and Switzerland form an influential part of western Europe. The SDA Reform Movement has existed in France for several decades. During World War II, our brethren here were among those who suffered as victims in the notorious internment (concentration) camp of Gurs, under horrible conditions. Yet the message endured by God’s grace, and today France, together with Switzerland and Belgium, currently form the SDARM French Field.
The buildings on the property in Savigny-sur-Orge, a Paris suburb, serve as the headquarters for the Field and are in serious need of expansion. In 1991, a chapel was built on this property purchased several years before, thanks to some generous donations. With God’s help, His work has developed here despite the challenging mentality of the French population that was so heavily entrenched in the atheistic and Catholic ideas that still linger from the 1260 years of persecution. Let us recall that a few years after Luther, about half the population was Protestant. But because of the persecution, many faithful people either died for their faith (through the torture of the wheel, stake, galley, prison, etc.) or fled to countries that were more hospitable, such as Switzerland, Germany, Holland, and the New World (the USA and Canada).
Nonetheless, there are still many sincere souls that have been deceived and are eager to receive the light in order to take their stand for the Lord. Therefore, we ask for your generous financial help in order to perform this extension so greatly needed and be better prepared to reach these souls.
Many from abroad and from non-metropolitan France have already helped in this endeavor. Here we have several brethren from the French overseas territories, as well as Romania, Brazil, Portugal, Congo, Moldova and various other nationalities. This cultural diversity is a real blessing because it allows us to deepen our faith, making it more solid on the fundamental biblical principles, beyond the cultural traditions that are often hard to break and have the potential to distort the message. Shall not the Everlasting Gospel be preached “unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6)? Together, let us make this a reality!
The French Field thanks you in advance.

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