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What is the Reform Movement?

The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement is a worldwide religious organization based on the teachings of the Bible. It upholds the original core Seventh-Day Adventist beliefs as outlined by the pioneers of Adventism. First organized in 1925, the Reform Movement promotes a message of revival and reformation within Adventism based on the 1888 message, “Christ Our Righteousness”. By the grace of God, it is our aim to prepare a people for the soon coming of Jesus Christ. Some of our fundamental beliefs are summarized below along with scriptural references upon which these beliefs are based:

SDARM History

What is Adventism?

In John 14:1-3 Jesus promised to return again to take His people home to heaven. Adventism is the belief in the literal, visible, soon coming of Jesus Christ in fulfilment of this promise. Adventists believe this event will take place soon based on the signs Jesus gave of when to expect Him. In preparing for Jesus’ second coming, Adventists promote a return to the forgotten truths of the Bible. These include the restoration of worship to God on the day He appointed for rest—the Seventh Day Sabbath (Saturday), and a return to the principles of health God gave us to lessen the sickness and suffering in our world. The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement is dedicated, by the grace of God, to preparing a people for this great event.

Restoration Series

with Pastor David Zic

Video Playlist
1/6 videos
War | Restoration Series
War | Restoration Series
The Family   Restoration Series
The Family Restoration Series
Politics   Restoration Series
Politics Restoration Series
Old Paths   Restoration Series
Old Paths Restoration Series
Communion   Restoration Series
Communion Restoration Series
The Sabbath   Restoration Series
The Sabbath Restoration Series

Interested in learning more?

You can read more about the 25 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement by reading the Fundamental Christian Beliefs of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement available in PDF format here or in hardcover here.

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