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Baptism in Vilkhivtsi, Ukraine
On August 18, 2024, in Vilkhivtsi village, four young individuals were baptized,...

Family Department

The main focus why the church is established is to comply the commission of Christ to preach the gospel into the whole world. However, by fulfilling this commission, we tend to forget the first field of missionary work which is our family. Surely the most urgent need now is preparing our family for heaven. “The family of heaven represents that which the family on earth should be; and our school homes, where are gathered youth who are seeking a preparation for the service of God, should approach as nearly as possible to the divine model. {6T 168.2}

The family here must, as far as possible, be a model of the one in heaven. ..Children should be taught that they are only probationers here, and educated to become inhabitants of the mansions which Christ is preparing for those who love Him and keep His commandments. This is the highest duty which parents have to perform. {AH 146.2}

Sadly, many young people nowadays are losing their faith from the flatform of eternal truth. Many of them don’t have the enthusiasm of family worship, prayer meetings and even during sabbath services. We need to kindle again the fire of religious devotion to our children. “If ever there was a time when every house should be a house of prayer, it is now. Infidelity and skepticism prevail. Iniquity abounds. Corruption flows in the vital currents of the soul, and rebellion against God breaks out in the life.”. {CG 517.2}

Consequently, in these perilous times we need to have a very strong family relationship now, so that our family will become a beacon of hope to the church as well as to the community. Satan is working so hard to destroy the heart of the church which is the family. He is targeting his attacks especially on God’s chosen people to destroy the very core of family relationships. He is trying to cut the sacred cord that binds both husband and wife. He is bringing marital, financial and health problems that will provoke animosity and eventually will cause separation and divorce.

For this reason the Family Department of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement, General Conference is preparing instructional materials in Microsoft power points, Microsoft word and recorded Videos. They are a source of training and informative materials for seminars for the different units of our church around the world.

The presence of Christ alone can make men and women happy. All the common waters of life Christ can turn into the wine of heaven. The home then becomes as an Eden of bliss; the family, a beautiful symbol of the family in heaven. {AH 28.1}

May the Lord bless our families around the world as we are preparing to face that fearful events that are so near at hand.

Thank you and God bless.

Rolly Dumaguit
General Conference Family Department